Info for New Caregivers
Do you think you are a caregiver?
Your first step can be to call 1-877-222-3737 for more information on caregiving resources.

Caregiving is a role that over a million New Jerseyans perform. Caregivers have a wide range of responsibilities, all with the purpose of ensuring services and safety for their loved ones. As a new caregiver, you may not know where to start. You are not alone. Help is available, much of which can be found through the Department of Human Services and your local Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) by calling 1-877-222-3737.
Older Adult Resources
Caregivers face a multitude of challenges. If you are new to caregiving, you may be interested in learning about the following topics.
- Respite: A Break for the Caregiver: Respite care services provide caregivers with a break from caregiving. Caregivers often use this break to spend time with other family members, address their own needs, or simply take some well-deserved time off.
- Caregiver Support Groups & Wellness Programs: Caregivers must care for themselves in order to effectively help others. Although this is one of the most important things a caregiver can do, it is also one of the most often forgotten. Caregiver support groups and wellness programs are a great option for caregivers who wish to take control of their own health in a way that benefits both them and their care recipient
- Finding Care for my Loved One: One of the best ways to provide relief for a caregiver is to direct them towards resources for the person they care for. There are a number of programs available in New Jersey that assist caregivers through the provision of services to care recipients.
- Financial Resources for Caregivers: Caring for an individual who is sick, elderly, or has a disability, whether at home or in an institutional setting, is extremely costly. Many caregivers spend their own money on expenses related to caring. Caregivers often need financial assistance to foster a healthy caregiving relationship.
- Caregiver Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Becoming a caregiver can happen in an instant, but you don't need to feel unprepared or alone. This section answers a few common questions first-time caregivers may have about how to best handle their new responsibilities.