Gloucester County Division of Senior Services
Description: INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE Senior citizens and their families can call or visit to receive information and referral on the services, benefits, and entitlements available to seniors in the community. OUTREACH/I&A/CARE MANAGEMENT/EMERGENCY FUNDS Identify and assist seniors who have become isolated, and may not be aware of services to which they are entitled. Clients may qualify for assistance if they encounter an emergency situation involving medicine, bills, heat, or food due to a lack of funds. FREE...
Services: APC Options Counseling, Assessment/Options Counseling, Assisted Transportation, Assistive Technology, Benefits Screening, Care Management, Caregiver Assistance, Congregate Nutrition, Congregate Nutrition - Special, Counseling, Education, Education / Training, Emergency, Emergency Services, FFP I&A, Food / Meals / Nutrition Counseling, Food Services, GP NFCSP Assistive Technology, GP NFCSP Care Management, GP NFCSP Emergency, GP NFCSP Group Education, GP NFCSP Information and Assistance, GP NFCSP...
Address: 115 Budd Blvd, West Deptford, NJ 08096
Phone: (856) 384-6900