Academy for Life Long Learning: Continuing Education Non Credit Courses. Quality interesting courses for personal growth and interest. Courses such as art, genealogy, yoga and much, much more. We also offer career/job exploration for all. Joining the Academy provides you access and information to unique and interesting programs at the college. In addition you will learn about all the wonderful professional programs in our Grunin Theatre Center and don’t forget the shows in our Novins Planetarium (great for you or the Grandkids!) As a member you can use our library, bookstore and other specialized events. Come and walk our upper and lower campuses for your exercise routine! Senior discounts are available for some performances in the Theatre. We also have discounts for local businesses through our Rewards Program.
Senior Credit Course Discount: OCC offers Ocean County Seniors (65+) the ability to enroll in credit courses on a space available basis at a reduced rate of tuition (not including text books) of $59.50 per credit plus fees. (note call the Registrar Office for exact details-732 255 0304)