Offers confidential, professional counseling services to families. Services to the aged, including assessment and care management.
Secure @ Home program includes assessments, care plan, 24/7 emergency services, monitoring, low cost transportation and chore services.
Partners in Caring – A collaborative to provide support and services to the elderly and disabled. Participating agencies: American Red Cross of Central New Jersey, Enable, Inc., Greater Mercer TMA Ride Provide, Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Mercer County, Princeton Senior Resource Center and Contact of Mercer County, Inc. This collaborative provides: caregiver support, care coordination, counseling, home delivered meals, information and referral, in home safety and nursing assessments, transportation and volunteer support. Kosher Meals on Wheels.
Adult Children with Responsibility for Aging Parents (609) 882-9317 - Princeton/Windsor area, (609) 443-6260 or 924-0054